Bells and Bellringing
There is a ring of eight bells at St Mary Magdalene's, and a band of ringers who ring for Sunday services and special occasions. Ringing practice night is every Tuesday (7.30 - 9pm), visiting ringers are welcome. Sunday ringing is 9 - 9.30am.
The tower is the oldest part of the church, built in 1480. A bell was cast c1480 to hang in the tower, and it is still there today, rung every week. It has been heard over Lillington for more than five centuries. There are older bells elsewhere, but it is quite unusual to find them in their original tower.
In the seventeenth century two more bells were added, and then in 1927 another five, making a ring of eight. In 2007 the bells were rehung by Nicholsons' of Bridport, and re-dedicated by the Bishop of Coventry at a special service on Whitsunday morning.
Usually there is a Tower Open Day during the year where visitors can come up to the ringing chamber and have a go at ringing a bell, and see the bells swinging in the belfry via a video relay.
Lillington ringers often visit other towers in Coventry and Warwickshire for Coventry Guild events. As well as trying out the bells, this includes sampling tea and homemade cakes in pretty village churches! Sometimes there's a short service, which might include the Ringers' Hymn.
There is also an annual Lillington Ringers' Outing, when the ringers and friends visit several towers in a particular area - this year's trip took us to four towers in Northamptonshire. We have also had a Christmas Social and New Year dinner, and each October we have our AGM as required by our society rules to elect officers and make plans for the year ahead.
Visiting bands of ringers are welcome by arrangement. Here is Lillington's entry in Dove's Guide.
For ringing enquiries contact Barbara Howes via email.
Part of a peal of 5088 Lessness Surprise Major, rung by the St Blaise Society on 14th November, 2018, to celebrate the 70th birthday of HRH Charles Prince of Wales.

Northamptonshire Outing - at Cranford St John

At Moreton in Marsh

Learner at Whichford

Whichford Ringers' Rules