Music plays an important role in the worship life of the church, with a range of styles from the more traditional to the contemporary. We host concert programmes across the year, advertised in Music to Your Ears and on this website.
The Choir
St Mary Magdalene’s has a robed, mixed-voice choir of boys, girls, men and women, which sings at the weekly 9:30am Eucharist. The choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM). Junior members of the choir are encouraged to work towards the RSCM Training Scheme, and are awarded ribbons and medals as their skills develop.
Joining the Choir
Membership of the Choir is open to anyone who enjoys singing, although some ability to read music is desirable, especially for potential alto, tenor and bass voices. There are currently vacancies for all sections of the choir. New junior choristers, who should be aged eight or above, will be asked to take a simple audition. Choir practices are on Friday evenings from 6pm to 7:15pm.
If you would like to join the Choir, please contact the Director of Music, Rachael Jefferies on 07587 069789 or email
The Organ

The organ was built by Rushworth and Dreaper in 1936. In 1998 it was completely rewired and substantially revoiced. The console is located in the north aisle, and the instrument is at the west end, mounted in a gallery in the tower arch. For the current organ specification and the programme of the 1936 opening recital click here.
Our organist is Michael J. King FTCL LRAM ARCM. To contact Mike with any enquiries about the organ or organ music at Lillington Parish Church, phone (01926 409062) or email.