Home Groups

Home groups are a great way of getting to know people better and develop a wider friendship group at church. They provide the opportunity to discuss in depth and ask questions about things that matter to us.
Home groups at St Mary Magdalene's are autonomous, varying in character, frequency and day/time of meeting. Meetings often include an element of worship; a discussion, prayer and of course a chance to catch up with each other's news. There's always something new to learn from scripture! Home groups may run events, support charitable activities, help out in the community and of course have social gatherings including craft evenings, pub outings and meals together.
We have several home groups meeting in different parts of the parish. Discussions are usually based on a good book, study course or books of the Bible. Where there is a church study course, for instance during Lent, all groups generally follow the material.
Anyone can join - no experience required! It's a very good way for newcomers to settle into our church life.
Contact Rev William Smith if you are interested in joining one of our groups, or the church office.