Hiring the Octagon (Church Room)

The Octagon is the Church Room and is situated by the church porch. It is used for church meetings and social events, and for coffee after the 9:30 morning service on Sundays. It is also available to hire for groups, conferences, meetings or parties (restrictions apply). It can be hired for a one-off or for a regular event, subject to availability.
The main room can hold 50 people. Chairs, tables, a projection screen and flip chart are available. There is a basic kitchen with sink, water boiler, microwave and crockery. Food may be brought onto the premises but there are no refrigeration or cooking facilities. There are ladies and gents toilets. Disabled access is possible since the Octagon main door has no steps. There is a disabled toilet which would suit the ambulant disabled. Baby changing facilities are available.
The current hire rates are as follows:
- Church groups, charities - £10 per hour
- Other bookings - £15 per hour or £12 per hour if 6 or more bookings are made.
Click here for the Octagon information leaflet with booking form. Please read the cancellation policy before making a booking. If your desired booking date(s) shows as "busy" on the calendar, it may still be possible to accommodate you - do get in touch about your requirements.
For any further information contact Wendy Driscoll on 01926 470449 or email office@lillingtonparishchurch.org