Love Lillington - Social Action

Love Lillington is a community initiative based here at St Mary Magdalene's, providing help to people who live within our parish. Love Lillington is supported financially by the Machen and Pershouse Charity (charity no. 260700)
Our three strands are:
- Prayer - We have a network to pray for people in trouble or need in Lillington
- Money - We can purchase one-off items and pay for project materials
- Action - Our team can help with gardening, decorating, transport, form-filling and other needs.
We work on a referrals basis: our clients are referred to us by community workers who know their difficulties. The needs are varied and sometimes complex. All our work is carried out in strict confidence. "Community workers" includes social workers, family support workers, youth workers, local clergy, councillors, foodbank staff and healthcare professionals.
If we are able to help, we will. The Machen and Pershouse trustees will make decisions based on current finances, and on whether there are other more appropriate sources of assistance. Where skills are required, the volunteer co-ordinator will confirm whether we have them available. All decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. Our aim is to make a real, transformational difference to people's lives. We have found that we can indeed make a big difference with just a little, and have been so pleased to see people's lives change for the better.
When volunteer effort is required, the Volunteer Co-ordinator will liaise with the client to arrange works. All Love Lillington volunteers are DBS checked and undertake safeguarding training and health & safety awareness.
Examples of giving include carpets, fences, appliances, school uniform, stair gates, fridges, lighting, coats, training courses
If you are a community worker interested in getting help for a client, you can download our leaflet about Love Lillington referrals here.
If you are interested in becoming a Love Lillington volunteer email the church office, phone 01926 470449, or make contact with one of the church officers.
Love Lillington is the operating name of the Machen and Pershouse Charity.