Life at St Mary Magdalene's is very busy and sociable. We have two or three services every Sunday as well as a popular midweek service. There are regular film nights, coffee mornings, special events including Christmas and Summer Fairs, days out, etc. All these are made possible by the support of numerous volunteers who enjoy the cameraderie of the small rota'd teams which provide welcome, coffee and cake, children's crafts, and a host of other functions.
Our church is enriched by the contribution each person brings: we have cake makers, gardeners, caterers, coffee makers, readers, technical team, bellringers, stewards, flower arrangers, musicians, singers, organisers, and many more. The more help we receive, the more we can strengthen the life of our church community and thus do more to help our neighbourhood. Volunteering is a great way of getting to know people better and develop a wider friendship group at church.
We have a toddler group, Octotots, which meets weekly during termtime which is run by volunteers. Again, it is a very sociable activity. All Octotots volunteers are DBS checked and take online safeguarding courses. Octotots is looking for more volunteers.
Welcome Team
Would you like to join our small team in welcoming people to the 9.30am service, ensuring they have the books they need and any guidance and information? Duties also include ensuring books etc are tidied away afterwards. Team members are rota'd once a month and duties can be swapped if necessary. This is a great way of getting to know more people. If you are interested, please contact Sarah.
Hospitality Team (9.30)
The hospitality team serves refreshments in the Octagon after the 9.30 service. They are currently looking for some more volunteers to join them. The duty is for around seven Sundays per year: duties can be swapped if necessary. This is a great way of getting to know people and support the practical welcome that our church gives. If you are interested in joining, or just want to find out more, please contact the church office.